Kyiv Fortress, National Historical and Architectural Museum

Kyiv, Ukraine

In Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine there are a number of monuments – preserved unique fortifications from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. One of these monuments is the “Kyiv Fortress” National Historical and Architectural Museum. The New Pechersk Fortress and Lysogirsky Fort are also part of the museum.

The exhibition hall is located in the restored part of the Hospital Fortification which was built according to the polygonal system in 1836-1851. In the caponier of the second landfill there is an exhibition about the “History of Fortifications in Ukraine”, and in the Slanting caponier, a display about the “History of the uses of facilities Kyiv fortress” and a permanent exhibition devoted to the history of artillery development.

The central goal of the monument-museum is to educate about the historical and cultural heritage of fortification monuments and to aid in their protection and popularization.